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How would you like to experience the story? He aha te wheako māu?

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Please turn up your sound. Whakakahangia te oro.

Oat the Goat
Oti te Nanekoti

You've reached the tippity top.

Kei te tihi o te maunga koe.

Pssst! Rotate your device to landscape.

Pssst! Whakanōhio tō waea pūkoro, iPapa
rānei ki runga i tōna taha, kia huapae ai.

Or resize your window so it's more wide than tall.

Whakarahingia te mata kia whānui ai, kia kaua e whāroa.

Uh oh. Your device can't play this.
Try one of these options instead?

Auē, kua hē te ataata. Whakamātautautia kētia tētahi o ēnei ara.